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Is Seany any better than Jamie O'Hara?


El Presidente In Absentia
Jun 6, 2005
Is Seany any better than Jamie O'Hara?

Have made quite a few comments on the qualities of Seany in the SC 5-asides, his teams have made the semi finals twice with him as their couragous leader and yesterday's game gave us the opportunity to watch Seany watch O'Hara in close proximity.

My question is;
Is Seany any better than Jamie'?


Isn't this fun? Isn't fun the best thing to have?
Jun 6, 2005
You typed;

Shagging Danielle Lloyd?

I read;

Being the 5,000,000,000th person to drive through the Blackwall Tunnel?

On another note, if we're talking about skills such as are taught in home economics (textiles, food science and other randomly named subjects) then yes, Seany may well put Jamie to shame as i know, for a fact, that the only reason O'hara passed his GCSE in Home Ec. was because he copied the girl who sat next to him.

I know her, she's very smart, so if his copying skills are any good then he may well have gotten a misleadingly good grade :shrug:


It is what it is
Jan 31, 2005
being better

It's a tough one though, seeing as neither of them have any standout qualities in the first place.

I once heard that Seany is good at playing marbles, but I don't know if Jamie O can play them, so I can't go on that one.